I don’t know why people try to put love in boxes neatly edged with ribbon.
Love is a waterfall mist that spirals and flows in colours
and when it descends or rises in you — it’s often quiet, the way the sun reaches the horizon line at dawn and slips over in a single second, or the way the moon arrives in your window.
I wonder why people try to put love in boxes?
I’ve loved many ways — upside down and right side up.
Romantically, I’ve loved men, but who is to say that one day it won’t be a woman that climbs into my heart?
I mostly know that love weaves its way through open souls.
Even the broken-hearted.
Because love knows hearts don’t break to close.
I wonder why people try to put love in boxes — why they trap birds in cages, kill lions for trophies or burn the wilderness to ash.
I suppose the wild is a frightening thing, all of that freedom dancing, untamed.
How dare love be bold and unrepentant?
The wretched and the beauty of it, all interposed.
The thing is, love will burst the banks of any coercion — because love doesn’t answer to anyone. Have you noticed how the forest bursts to life after a burn?
Love is not interested in dogma or religious books, or social norms. It transcends all that.
It’s bigger than everything.
I don’t know why people try to put love in boxes or package it in string.
Oh, the insanity of clipping a Raptor’s wing.
So terrified of its indiscriminate beauty, people do despicable things.
You can’t change the essence of a thing by holding it tight, you can’t turn a mountain into the snow.
And you can’t trap a soul and make it belong to you,
That’s the opposite of love.
Love is boundless.
That’s why so many fear it.
It’s the ultimate liberator.
it’s the open sky and the clouds.
It’s the river and its banks.
It’s the rainbow and it's colours.
It’s the essence of everything in existence.
Therein lies its indelible light.
Only because it’s free,
can it eclipse you and me,
and transcend.
We still love the dead.
Sometimes even more than the living.
Gwen B
Rainbow by Gwen B