Gentle is soft and spacious, a moment of ease, tenderly allowing yourself to breathe, softly in and out.
Gentle is a featherlight touch, a place to go to find some rest when it’s all too much push and pull.
Gentle is a loving conversation with yourself, a kind word, a reassurance, a patient smile.
Gentle is being ok for a little while, in amongst all the Crescendo.
Gentle is a delicate scent, or lying on a plump bed of autumn leaves, or feeling the brush of a naked breeze on your soft and buttery skin.
Or maybe floating about in the sunlight like a dandelion wish that’s lost in the wind.
Gentle is poise both solid and soft, like the ground beneath your feet that grows forests.
A place with little noise, but abundant with the sounding whispers of butterfly wings and bright and cheerful words.
Gentle’s calm, restorative way is calling out to you today.
Not tomorrow or in an hour, or next week. Be gentle as we speak, because Gentle might just be the simple happiness you seek.
Sometimes we over complicate things.
Gwen B
Gentle Contemplation - Acrylic on Canvas by Gwen Bryce