No matter what happened, what sadness came upon you, no matter that you thought that they had abandoned you, through death, or hurt, or their own hapless path, you survived, you are here and you loved.
You thought your love would hold them and so you made it their container,
but they were never yours to contain,
their paths like water, flowing where they must,
and so your thinking led you to damn up, as you tried so hard to hold them, to save them, to keep them afloat with your love.
And as the container you suppressed your needs, your heart, your voice and your unique song.
In the reaching out you forgot to reach in, and in so doing you abandoned yourself. When all along you too are a mighty river that needs to flow, to wash over and through and under and out. Out into the wild waters of a life embodied with your fullness, your reverie, and your great big beautiful, beating heart.
You are never abandoned in the freedom to follow your path. If you allow it, life will love you with a courageous storm that will wash out all those empty places and fill them with the cup of knowing that you are fully free to express all of your needs, to say what you mean, to honour and live a life freely expressed from your whole hearted truth, to love and be loved with abandon, to be seen, to be known and to be heard.
You deserve this. Yes, you do!
So please dear soul, be brave and courageous and return to yourself, to your loving heart. Go to the home inside of you. Return to grace and gift yourself the space, and the freedom to flow where you must, to trust in the beauty of new beginnings, to start from a wiser place, and most of all, to know you are never alone, even on your own you are a synchronous part of the great cosmic concerto and you will always, always be held in the loving embrace of the great big universal Heart, which you can find over and over again when you recognise, and freely express your own individual heartsong.
In one heart,
Sakura Pathways by Gwen B